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The earliest signs and symptoms of pregnancy

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by pregnancysymptoms 2021. 5. 28. 11:47


Before the cherished two features of the pharmacy pregnancy test, it is possible for expectant mothers to be signaled that perhaps, finally, the miracle or accidental happiness has happened. The female body is more than unusual and very often, even before it is too early to take into account these two features of the pregnancy test to identify eloquent (or not so eloquent) symptoms of pregnancy.

It is important to note that the earliest signs of pregnancy may overlap with those of PMS, as well as with the onset of the menstrual cycle. That's why many women are disappointed to find that they were fake. However, when most of the early symptoms of pregnancy are present, it is worth dreaming about, but mostly to make an appointment with a gynecologist or at least go to a nearby pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test.

For more information, and to answer the most important question for you at the moment, "Am I pregnant?" Keep reading. We have something interesting to share with you, and even to give you guidelines to answer the question, following the signs of your body, not just your female intuition. Although, yes, she rarely lies…

When do the first symptoms of pregnancy occur?

Medically, a woman's body begins to change from the moment the egg is fertilized. Another issue is that this change is not always really tangible for women. What's more, in today's fast-paced world, many women don't even pay attention to not only the earliest but also the first standard symptoms of pregnancy.

The symptoms worsen, of course, and become more obvious just before the expected cycle. This is where this overlap that we talked about takes place. These first symptoms of pregnancy are very similar to the premenstrual symptoms, but some of them are completely different both in feeling and as a manifestation.

The earliest symptoms of pregnancy

The very first symptom of pregnancy, that is, that associated with fertilization, is pain. It is due to the implantation process itself. However, the pain is not always severe. Often it is defined only as abdominal discomfort and resembles premenstrual pain. This sensation lasts just as long as moderate to severe PMS, ie about 10 days before the expected start date of the cycle.

One in five women also get a spot caused by bleeding from fertilization. However, this implantation bleeding is often overlooked by the standard symptoms of pregnancy because it can pass with the urine, and sometimes even so lightly that it is not noticeable on the underwear if it is dark.

According to studies, among the earliest symptoms of pregnancy, occurring almost immediately after fertilization of the egg, is fatigue. This is a sharp drop in a woman's vital energy. However, she does not always consider it a pregnancy, especially today, when we are constantly tired and stressed. Fatigue continues to be part of the main early symptoms of pregnancy, progressively increasing in the first semester, and in the second - abruptly disappears and women who give birth often even enjoy a surge of energy.

What are the initial symptoms of pregnancy?

There are additional symptoms that make the woman more and more sure that she is pregnant. Most often they appear days before the expected cycle, as well as in case of delay of such:

  1.  Changed broadcasting. Honestly, it seems to some women that they are pregnant in the first days after conception that sometimes others see the expected miracle before them. This different radiation is mainly due to hormonal changes. In women, hormones and their values ​​most rapidly affect the general condition of the body from any other organ. As for the change in radiation itself, people most often call it "radiance."
  2.  Sudden shortness of breath when performing normal physical activities for a woman. Athletes say that they understand the presence of pregnancy on this symptom. Because they train regularly and are fully aware of their body's abilities, sudden weight loss and even shortness of breath without being sick makes them think of a baby!
  3.  More pain. Abdominal pain continues to be the leading early symptom of pregnancy. However, it is noticeably intensifying. Many women even see it as a gynecological problem if the baby is unplanned because it is sometimes intolerable - acute or dull and prolonged. However, pain also occurs in the lower back and often in the chest. Chest tension is also typical of PMS, so this is not a very reliable symptom of pregnancy if it occurs without other available ones.
  4.  Headache. Unfortunately, if you experience it in early pregnancy, you will have to fight it to the very end. Headache is a common symptom of pregnancy. It is also due to hormonal problems.
  5.  Strange, unusual and atypical even for PMS variable psychological state. You know that before a cycle, many women seem to ride a broom. However, the change in the mood of pregnant women is a little different. They turn from tears to laughter at the speed of light, are often distracted and irritated, and sometimes even fall in love for no particular reason shortly after being severely upset. And we blame the hormones for this symptom of pregnancy.

Top safest symptoms of pregnancy

Almost everything listed so far in one way or another overlaps with the symptoms of the menstrual cycle. However, there are also symptoms of pregnancy that are more than certain. They differ from the signs of severe PMS, and if they are present in aggregate, they may be more reliable than the pharmacy pregnancy test. See exactly what symptoms we are talking about:

  1.  Darkening of the nipples. The nipples begin to prepare for breastfeeding. Although it sounds early to you, this is not true. There are pregnant women who find fluid leaking from the breasts. This is colostrum. And by the way, there is nothing wrong or disturbing if it happens to you.
  2.  Morning sickness. This is not an accident, but a ritual. It becomes one in the coming weeks (we wish you, future mothers, not months). Nausea is not associated with any available digestive problems or consumption of unusual / suspicious food. It strikes you suddenly and causes you severe discomfort for at least half an hour afterwards.
  3. A stuffy nose. Although this is a more common symptom of the last trimester (cold without illness), it can also appear early. The stuffy nose alone says nothing, but if you see other symptoms of pregnancy, maybe the miracle really happened.
  4.  The same can be said for fever. It does not exceed 37.2 degrees, but does not fall and does not fall. Unpleasant, but hopefully, today, a expectant mother will not take into account this symptom of pregnancy as a sign of coronavirus, instead of rejoicing in the impending happiness.
  5.  Constipation. Two out of five women suffered from constipation for at least a month during pregnancy. It is usually among the first symptoms of pregnancy. The intestinal flora is disturbed by both the enlargement of the uterus and hormonal problems.
  6.  And of course, the delay of the menstrual cycle. Here it is important to note that by delay, which can be one of the sure symptoms of pregnancy, we must understand at least the order of 5 days. With a 10-day delay in the cycle, it is almost certain that you are either pregnant or have a disorder of the reproductive system or female hormones. In short, it's time for a pregnancy test or go straight to your personal gynecologist.


Is a pregnancy without symptoms possible?

Absolutely! And history knows hundreds of cases of women who are pregnant without knowing about it for weeks. Pregnancy does not always have to be associated with headache, constipation or any kind of pain. These pregnancy symptoms, on the other hand, can occur at a later stage. In any case, even pregnancy with a cycle is possible. In this case we are talking about a color pregnancy. It can vary in the degree and duration of bleeding. With it, the staining is slight and stops for a few days, and then occurs again. However, color pregnancy often carries risks for the fetus and the mother, so a doctor should be consulted immediately.

If after this material, your suspicions of pregnancy sound even more reasonable, contact your gynecologist.